As a national/international boarding school proud of our Episcopal heritage and welcoming to all faiths, believers and nonbelievers, SPS is committed to building Beloved Community according to the teachings of the Episcopal Church and the policies of the National Association of Independent Schools. Embracing the diversity of our community, we teach and learn how to love our neighbor as ourselves and to see everyone as our neighbor. Equity, inclusion, belonging and justice are at the heart of our mission; as the plaque on our Chapel proclaims, “All are welcome here.” 

We derive these values from our School Prayer, which has guided the St. Paul’s School community for nearly a century:

“Grant, O Lord, that in all the joys of life we may never forget to be kind. Help us to be unselfish in friendship, thoughtful of those less happy than ourselves, and eager to bear the burdens of others, through Jesus Christ our savior. Amen.” 

Bethany Dickerson Wynder

St. Paul’s School has been and remains focused on the text we are currently writing together through our shared aspirations, shared vision, and common life. 

Meet Bethany Dickerson Wynder

Student Affinity and Alliance Groups

St. Paul’s School has 17 student affinity and alliance groups that are run by students, with support from faculty advisers. These groups provide safe spaces for students with shared identities or commitments to a cause to connect with each other and help foster greater dialogue and awareness throughout the SPS community.


Schoolwide Programs

During the academic year, the School community honors, celebrates and experiences a variety of cultural and historical holidays, traditions and programming. This time together provides opportunities for learning and growth, as well as shared experiences around food, art and fun. 


Leadership and Training

Both students and teachers pursue on-campus learning opportunities and leadership development, and travel off grounds to attend conferences and events to connect with peers and participate in broader conversations happening in the world today. 

As a fully residential academic community founded in the Episcopal tradition and rooted in enduring humanistic values, St. Paul’s School welcomes and affirms the dignity of all human beings. Increasing diversity, strengthening inclusivity, and deepening equity require deep listening, open hearts, and open minds. We honor and affirm the experiences of our students, faculty, and staff. We take seriously our responsibility to equip our students to engage the world as global citizens who aspire to transform the world in service of the greater good and Beloved Community.

We also draw inspiration from the National Association of Episcopal Schools’ “Statement on Inclusion and Episcopal Identity.”

Our Chapel Program

Welcoming of all faiths and backgrounds, the Chaplaincy at St. Paul’s School, in partnership with other departments, builds Beloved Community through its programming and events, as students and faculty gather four mornings a week to listen to speakers, music, readings and school news — gaining new insights and inspiration from the voices and notes of others.  

Related News

Cultural, educational and celebratory events highlight Black excellence in education and the arts
Campus visitors and special programming bring to life “MLK Jr. and the Moral Imagery”
Ceramics Teacher Becky Soderberg ’94 returns to SPS following a sabbatical in Portugal.