Chapel at St. Paul’s School is where we begin our day as a community, students and teachers alike. It is central to the SPS experience and the connections we build with one another.

In Chapel, you will find a welcoming place where we gather for music and celebration, speakers and performances, reflection and prayer. It is a space of belonging and connection, inspired and guided by our inclusive Episcopal tradition, where each student and teacher is assigned their own seat and where every faith and form of spirituality is acknowledged and invited in. 


Student Voices

What is Chapel?

Students describe it as a chance to catch their breath — an opportunity to gather their thoughts, share time with friends and prepare to start their day. Hear more from them. 

Here for You

The St. Paul’s School Office of the Chaplaincy is here to support you: students, staff, faculty, and broader community members. It is easy to connect with a chaplain by email — especially if you have questions about how to get involved in small groups or chaplaincy events, or if you want to chat with a chaplain about what’s going on in your life. We are here to support every member of our community. 


Rev Chuck Wynder with student

Holding space for students, staff, and faculty to grapple with the large spiritual questions — Who am I? Why am I here? How am I called to live in relationship with others? What is the meaning of the life that I am living? — and doing that in a way in which we foster an environment of welcome and inclusion for people of all faiths, and no faith, while being grounded in our Episcopal tradition. These are the things that excite me.

Meet The Rev. Chuck Wynder

Get Involved

All community members and groups are welcome to give a talk or presentation in the Chapel or to invite an external speaker. All students, regardless of their faith, are invited to join an existing Chapel group or submit a proposal to start their own. A sample of opportunities:

Chapel Council 

The Chapel Council is comprised of students across all grades, faiths, and backgrounds who help to craft, vision, and execute the numerous services and presentations that occur on a regular basis in Chapel. The Council provides input from the wider student body and frequently meets to coordinate their support for the School’s pastoral programming.


The Chapel program’s Sixth Form ambassadors, Wardens stand at the Chapel doors to welcome the community and guests at both our regular daily Chapel services and public offerings.


Drawn from across all forms, faiths, and backgrounds, prefects help to develop and execute many of the services and presentations that occur in Chapel. They provide input from the wider student body and frequently meet to discuss how to support the School’s pastoral programming.

Want to Know More?

Reach out to any member of the Chaplaincy to learn more about getting involved in Chapel programs.

The Chapel Choir

The story of choral music at SPS is as old as the school itself! For more than 160 years students have raised their voices in song here, and we continue the very best of that tradition now in the 21st century. We offer singing opportunities for any level of musical ability, from complete novice to lifelong children’s choir member! We welcome any student to audition for Chapel Choir.

New Chapel aerial

The School Prayer

“Grant, O Lord, that in all the joys of life we may never forget to be kind. Help us to be unselfish in friendship, thoughtful of those less happy than ourselves, and eager to bear the burdens of others; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.”

Rev. Sam Lovett Teaches humanities in Schoolhouse at St. Paul's School.
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