Listening to music, reading, cooking
Mike Carroll grew up outside of Boston during a time when he was free to roam from an early age. He developed a lifelong interest in the way topography, the living landscape, and design influenced neighborhood assemblages and community networks, while enabling exploration and curiosity. From being a boarding school student at Deerfield Academy and teacher for twenty-five years, Mr. Carroll has increasingly attuned to the role of the built and natural landscape in shaping a sense of place, community, and human health.
Mr. Carroll majored in ecology and evolutionary biology as an undergraduate at Princeton University. After eleven years of teaching math, biology, and environmental science, he returned to university to earn a master’s degree in environmental management at the Yale School of the Environment. He finds hope in the linkages of pure inquiry and dynamic, interdisciplinary applications of science with a more sustainable, flourishing future for all. Mr. Carroll is inspired by the potential for students to experience both meaningful and relevant science. And he also believes in living and learning in place, viewing boarding schools as providing an ideal environment for fostering community and civic responsibility.
Outside of teaching and spending time with family, Mr. Carroll listens to music, starts reading a novel, or remains open to surprise during a single scene of a film. Occasionally, he learns another simple song on the guitar or improvises a basic food recipe.
Mr. Carroll lives on campus with his wife and three young children.