Family time, parrilla-style grilling, international film viewing, skiing, hunting, fishing, swimming, backpacking, miming, exploring general stores and antique outlets, visiting Spanish speaking countries, searching for the best olives in the world, listening to Greensky Bluegrass and growing as a trivia master
After almost 20 years of teaching history and Spanish at both the middle and high school levels at boarding schools in California, Connecticut and Massachusetts, Donald transitioned into a new phase of his educator journey when he joined the Advanced Studies Program team in September 2022. He and his wife came from Berkshire School where they celebrated their wedding and grew as educators for 12 years. At Berkshire, Donald taught Spanish and had directorial stints with student activities and Pro Vita, an experiential education interim program. Donald knew that he wanted to work in schools after his experiences as a student at Woodberry Forest School and Middlebury College, both institutions where his interests were sparked by great teachers and caring advisors as well as time studying abroad in Madrid, Valencia; Guadalajara, Buenos Aires; and Bariloche.
When Donald isn’t visiting high schools in New Hampshire, interviewing college interns, reading applications or keeping the ship afloat in the summer, he enjoys time with his family and friends exploring the mountains, lakes and Atlantic coastline of New Hampshire or visiting his native state of Wyoming where he gets lost in the Wind River Mountain Range, the best kept secret in the world that he puts in jeopardy by sharing it here.
Donald’s basecamp on campus is staffed and kept in order by his amazing wife, Dana, who continues pursuing her passion of connecting with people around the country and world in her admissions role; two sons, Hudson and Bridger; and their faithful Brittany Spaniol, Pancho.