Traveling, skiing, backpacking, playing word games, and seeing live music
Dana returned to her alma mater in the summer of 2022 as Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid. She loves traveling the globe and working with the admissions team to identify students whose passions will shape the dynamic learning community at St. Paul’s School. In addition to her work in the admissions office, Dana is an adviser in Armour House and serves as a passionate timer/superfan for the girls lacrosse team.
As a member of the Form of 1998, Dana credits her time at SPS as the most formative years of her life. At Middlebury College she studied environmental science and played on the women’s lacrosse team, winning the National Championship three times. A long-time camp counselor, Dana realized early on she was drawn to education, and over the past 18 years has worked at Santa Catalina School in Monterey, Calif., Westminster School in Simsbury, Conn., and most recently at Berkshire School in Sheffield, Mass.
Dana and her husband Donald, associate director of the Advanced Studies Program, live on campus with their sons Hudson and Bridger, and their dog Pancho.