Wednesday, October 18, 2023
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event cost


Event location

The ’Quin House
217 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Mass.


Contact Steve Donovan
Director of Alumni Relations

SPS Community Reception – Boston **At Capacity**

UPDATE: This event has reached maximum capacity and registration has been closed. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you would like to join a waitlist, please contact Director of Alumni Relations Steve Donovan at (603) 229-4842 or


SPS alumni, parents and friends are invited to join Rector Kathy Giles to learn more about the School today.

Rector Kathy Giles and event hosts Trustee Susan Fales Hill P’21 and Aaron Hill ASP’80, P’21 invite you to attend a special reception at The ’Quin house, the historic club in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood. Hear an update on what students and faculty are doing in Millville today and learn more about upcoming initiatives.

We hope to see you at this wonderful opportunity to reconnect with the School and your greater SPS community of alumni and parents.